Alanya shopping centers and bazaar

Shopping is the inseparable part of the holiday. Take consideration this need of our guests who will plan to visit Alanya, we inform you about some shopping centres, bazaars in Alanya.

Alanya shopping centers and bazaar
2020-10-29 17:45:56
Alanya Tours

If people plan to visit holiday, they also think about some shopping. In this blog, we inform you about the shopping centres bazaar in Alanya.
In Alanya there are more shopping centers, some of them are big malls, others are small boutiques. When says shopping, first of all, thinks about yourselves. Would you like to bargaining or you like fix price goods?
Starting with the first one, in Alanya, there are more shops with different goods. But in these shops the prices are changeable. Honestly, the textile goods quality in such as markets high level although the prices are changeable. If you have more time for shopping and would like to bargaining these small boutiques also advisable.
Secondly there several big malls in Alanya where the costs are stable. Usually, these shopping centres located in the city centre near the Ataturk park. For these, we can sample Alanyum mall, LC Waikiki, De-facto, Mavi Jeans, Koton, LTB, FLO (shoes) etc. Although the prices are fixed, here it is able to find out the best clothes at an affordable cost. And there are more choices. Another advantage of such as shopping centres you can choose your size and model comfortably without the influence of anybody.
The third one is bazaar in Alanya. Bazaar is a local market that take place definite days of the week depending on the region. In Alanya bazaar, you can find all that you need. Clothes, shoes, food, fruits and vegetable, leather. In Alanya bazaar is held 3 days, Monday in the region Obagol, Thursday — in Tosmur, Friday in the city centre that also called Cuma bazaar.
In addition, tourist whose hotels locate not in Alanya but in provinces like Mahmutlar, Konakli, Okurcalar etc. do not worry. Each of these provinces also you can find above-mentioned malls branches. Also, definite days of the week the same bazaar is held there. If you already have been in Alanya shopping centers and would like to visit other places, we have an alternative for it. By joining our Manavgat river boat trip, you can try an unforgettable tour and visit in Manavgat Bazaar.
In Alanya also there some leather and jewellery shops. Usually in hotels also you are offered free transfer for these shops.


